Thursday, June 2, 2011

The old word, became my new world.

Una Ciudad de ensueño.
Place. Freiburg, Germany.

Money money, and a bunch of dreams was all we had. Germany was nice to us. We had nice friends that helped us do everything we needed to start our lives in Germany. We learn the hard way that not speaking German was going to be a big obstacle. Dad only lasted a few months and went back to Canada, Mom, Ricky, and I stayed, it is almost impossible to find a job and support a family without the language. I remember working for a Russian guy, long hours, and lots of hard work. I was trying to learn German and the Russian got me confused all the time, it is like going to Mexico to learn Spanish and be around Italians all the time. Today I can say I speak enough German to get around :).

After a few months Ricky was dating Katrin-his wife today. Mom was trying as hard as she could to become something that she was never going to become, the fight of culture was to much for her, I thing she was never able to integrate fully in to the German society. I do have great respect, love and admiration for all that she did, I saw my mother suffer more than almost any other woman that I know, and she still there for us. It is still a mystery to me the kind of love that come from creating life. (Maternity is definitely a blessing of the Gods) After a few months in Germany and it was time for me to go on a mission, I was happy-my mission was something that I always wanted to do, but also a scape from my crazy life. My family depended on me to pay the rent and other expenses, but I knew God would take care of them. Once I left Mom and Ricky both find jobs. I went in the MTC in Utah and from there to Arcadia California. I was Ready to grow 20 years in 2......... or at least that is what my mission president said.

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